Nurit Birnbaum Perlmutter

Born in Israel, moved to Venezuela as a child. Early on starts studies of drawing in the workshop of Pedro Centeno Vallenilla and discovers her fascination with the marvels of the human body. Finished Architecture in Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) in 1975. While working as an architect, takes up sculpture modeling, and wood carving in the School of Visual Arts “Cristobal Rojas”. Studies the art of etching with María Eugenia Manrique in Center of Graphic Arts and drawing with live models with Ina Bainova.

In 1990, enrolls in a one year program for Advanced Management at Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA), and while working in the flexographic industry continues her passion for the arts, modeling and sculpting the human figure. In 1995 works in wood carving, with Harry Abend in Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Sofía Imber (MACCSI), and forms a group called “ENCRUCIJADA” (Crossroads) with 12 artists of different disciplines. They show their work in the Cultural zone of Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas, and are invited to the Venezuelan consulate of Houston, Texas, to thr group show at “Venezuela a la Sombra del Cuji”. The group makes various exhibitions in MACCSI and then in Museo de Arte Popular de Petare; J.Walter Thompso; and Leo Blasini Gallery.

Two years letter she makes a very successful first solo show In Leo Blasini Gallery. In the following years she exhibits in Galeria Acquavella and Spativm Gallery. In 2003 wins the prize of the show “Women in Arts” in the Latin American Arts Museum LAAM, in Miami, Florida.

She is represented in private collections in England, Canada, Switzerland, Israel and U.S.A.

Currently works in her studio in Miami.


Maurizio Maso


Javi Suárez